Tag: संजय
पाप और पश्चाताप
जिस पाप के पीछे पश्चाताप हो, वो पाप बड़ा होने पर भी छोटा है; और जिस पाप के पीछे पश्चाताप ना हो, वो छोटा होने
खुशियाँ बटोरते बटोरते उम्र गुजर गयी, पर खुश ना हो सके । एक दिन अहसास हुआ, खुश तो वो लोग हैं जो खुशियाँ बाँट रहे
It is from one human being to another : When I’ll be dead, your tears will flow, but I won’t know, cry for me now
जो सफ़र की शुरूआत करते हैं, वो ही मंज़िल को पार करते हैं, बस एक बार चलने का हौंसला तो करिये, अच्छे इंसान का तो
Whatever you Give to others, will come back to you in multiples.. You can’t stop what is coming back, but you can always choose what
A mother may be educated or uneducated. But She is the “Best guide in the world when you fail in your life. (Sri Sanjay)
In Life, own satisfaction is better than success, because success is a measure decided by others, while satisfaction is a measure decided by us. (Mr.
Quality of Life
Life is not qualified by the branded clothes you wear or fluency of english you speak. It is measured by the number of people who
Sometimes…. You have to pretend that you are happy & fine… Until you realize that your pretensions have become your STRENGTH to move on….! (Mr.
वर्तमान मे जीना ही समझो “मन का स्थिर होना है” । आचार्य कहते हैं… सारी योजनायें छोड़ दो, मात्र वर्तमान का अनुभव करो । जो
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