व्यक्ति सोते से घबराकर उठा – “मेरे पेट पर से एक चूहा निकला”
मित्र – पर इसमें घबराने की क्या बात है ?
चूहा ही तो था !!
चूहे ने रास्ता बता दिया है । अभी चूहा निकला है, कल को हाथी निकलेगा ।
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2 Responses
Very true. Our entire life gets wasted in worrying, when we actually achieve nothing out of it.
2 Responses
Very true. Our entire life gets wasted in worrying, when we actually achieve nothing out of it.
Suresh Chandra Jain
I also agree with comment of Nidhi Jain.