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Month: October 2010

Earned Sorrow

Half of sorrows we earn by expecting good things from wrong people, And half of sorrows we earn by expecting wrong things from good people.

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वैभव पर गर्व

मांग कर पहने हुये गहनों पर गर्व कैसा ? यह सब वैभव “पुण्य रूपी” साहुकार से मांग कर लाये हो, जिस दिन वह मांग बैठेगा,

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ये चारौं गतियों में होती है । तिर्यंचों में पृथक विक्रिया नहीं होती । बादर तैजसकायिक और वायुकायिक तथा पर्याप्तक पंचेंद्रिय तिर्यंच एवं मनुष्य, तथा भोगभूमि

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Do good to everyone without expecting much…… As an old proverb says : Some fragrance always cling to the hands of those who distribute roses.

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Read this slowly – ‘GODISNOWHERE’ What did you read ? God is no where, Or God is now here ! Just a beautiful line to

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प्रत्यय यानि निमित्त, जैसे भव प्रत्यय / गुण प्रत्यय अवधिज्ञान । तत्वार्थ सूत्र टीका – श्री शांतिलाल भाई

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Treat everyone with LOVE, Even those who are rude to you, Not because they are not nice, But because you are nice. (Ku. Pranshi)

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एक बूढ़ी अम्मा की सुई, सिलाई करते हुये अंधेरे कमरे में कहीं खो गयी । वह बाहर Street Light में जाकर सुई ढ़ूंढ़ने लगी ।

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4 Beautiful thought of life — Look back & see our Karm, Look forward think about Gati (next janma/future), Look around & find Reality, Look

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मंगल आशीष


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October 17, 2010