A small dot can stop a big sentence.
But a few more dots can give a continuity.
Amazing but true !
Every ending can be a new beginning.
(इससे एकता तथा अनेकांत का महत्त्व भी पता लगता है)
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4 Responses
This is very true example given of stops and continuation. Jain dharma gives sandesh about annekant not akant!
4 Responses
This is very true example given of stops and continuation. Jain dharma gives sandesh about annekant not akant!
Is post me, ‘एकता’ तथा ‘अनेकांत’ ko kaun represent kar raha hai ?
अनेक dots एकता निभाने पर stop को continuity में परिवर्तित कर देते हैं।
पहले dot में गुण stop, अन्य dots में continuity. यही तो है अनेकांत।
Okay. Bahut hi sundar post and jawab !