भोजन न पचने पर चर्बी बढ़ती है,
वैभव न पचने पर अहंकार,
पुण्य न पचने पर पाप।
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6 Responses
Well Said!
How is that sin will increase when we are not able to digest the blessings.
I believe it will only increase if we indulge in sinful activities. If we accept the blessings and enjoy them how would that lead to sin? Please explain.
One example is of People who die of happiness. Often it is read that a person, who won lakhs or crores of rupees in lottery, died of a massive heart-attack(out of happiness).This is a classic case, of people not being able to digest their “punya.”
I think this is what was implied in the post.
6 Responses
Well Said!
How is that sin will increase when we are not able to digest the blessings.
I believe it will only increase if we indulge in sinful activities. If we accept the blessings and enjoy them how would that lead to sin? Please explain.
Blessings को digest की बात नहीं कही है,
बल्कि “पुण्य” को digest न करने का मतलब हुआ-
पुण्य का सदुपयोग न करके, उसमें मदहोश हो जाना/घमंड़ आजाना ।
Suresh Chandra Jain
It is very true.
One example is of People who die of happiness. Often it is read that a person, who won lakhs or crores of rupees in lottery, died of a massive heart-attack(out of happiness).This is a classic case, of people not being able to digest their “punya.”
I think this is what was implied in the post.
Another example-“Papanubandhe-Punya”