पर यदि उस पर control नहीं किया तो वही ज्ञान, जीवन को जला भी देता है ।
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3 Responses
The Sun
greatest source of heat & light
should not be seen with naked eyes at noon,.
one should not stand with uncovered head in sunlight for long
etc etc
everything that is powerful
needs to be used in a controlled (proper) way,
otherwise that can cause damage.
It is said that Knowledge without Samyak darshan can create havoc, hence darshan comes before gyan.
Unless we develop samyak darshan, better to follow the wise saying, “ignorance is bliss”.
1st. part is OK.
In 2nd.part pl.add- Knowledge is required even for knowing Samyak Darshan.
But this initial knowledge should also be guided by Shradha & Conduct.
3 Responses
The Sun
greatest source of heat & light
should not be seen with naked eyes at noon,.
one should not stand with uncovered head in sunlight for long
etc etc
everything that is powerful
needs to be used in a controlled (proper) way,
otherwise that can cause damage.
It is said that Knowledge without Samyak darshan can create havoc, hence darshan comes before gyan.
Unless we develop samyak darshan, better to follow the wise saying, “ignorance is bliss”.
1st. part is OK.
In 2nd.part pl.add- Knowledge is required even for knowing Samyak Darshan.
But this initial knowledge should also be guided by Shradha & Conduct.