
जो काम बांबी का साँप नहीं कर पाता, वह आस्तीन का साँप करता है ।
(औलाद बनकर दुश्मनी निकालते हैं)

मुनि श्री सुधासागर जी

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11 Responses

  1. So,
    internal enemies are always most dangerous,
    Desires( Kaam), anger(krodha),jealousy etc.

  2. I agree but we should avoid making such generalizations, as it is family values are deteriorating.
    Kids are not as responsible and dedicated towards the parents as they should be, because of work pressures, fierce competition and western influence.
    If we make such sweeping negative remarks about them, they might turn more negative and get further alienated.
    We should practice caution when dealing with such sensitive subjects.

    1. Sometimes Saints make such harsh remarks when they observe deterioration in the society at a mass level.
      However, such comments are intended for improvement of the society.
      It has been seen that often these remarks affect the listeners/readers.

      The intention behind such remarks is to help kids realize their real responsibilities and reduce the pressure of western influence and competition.
      Also, here the Guru is not addressing those kids that are genuinely busy or trapped because of their professional obligations.
      He is addressing those that are betraying their parents/society/nation/dharma and are negligent towards their responsibilities out of sheer greed and arrogance.
      Sad part is that number of such kids is increasing day by day.

      Ideal Aulad will also continue till the day ofPralay. There are many Ideal Aulads even these days ,though their percentage is low.

  3. Though there are already many comments on this but still i mention:
    Children are Our Future
    if there is something wrong or missing in there behavior
    the older generation may also be responsible for
    1.Not having been able to inculcate values.
    2.Not giving up their habit of criticizing others including children.
    3. Indian culture is based on sacrifice, how many elders prove this by their behavior.
    may be philosophy in absolute terms.

  4. It is required to be practical in the approach of knowing and realising what kids of today are faced with. Not only is the competition fierce, but also is the peer pressure and need-for-acceptance-amongst-peers extremely high.
    Every child wants to fit-in, because they do not want to be singled out. (As a matter of fact nobody likes being singled out). Moreover, as they say, the British raj has left us dabling with the “Either Leader or Follower” psychology (mentality), leaving very less room for individual development and ‘acceptance’ of other individuals. This makes the path to realising and living the ‘right values’ cumbersome.
    It would require, not only plenty of ‘self-control’, but also tremendous ‘self-observance’ and ‘courage’ to follow through with the same – given the adverse parameters/circumstances one is surrounded-by in today’s day and age. Very understandably this path is thus extremely less trod-on!
    Besides, varying family values within different strata of the cosmopolitan society (And now foreign influence), add to the confusion kids today are faced with. What we consider wrong may not be considered wrong among society/school friends/etc. If you realise, influence of the western culture has set-in to such an extent that most parents of today accept children-of-today, as they are (The era of beating up kids or even severe punishments is long gone). This has resulted into reduced tolerance level amongst youngsters.
    Hence as I understand correctly (pls correct me if wrong), it is imperative to understand the youth of today, understand their intellectual level, and there-by guide them towards becoming a good human being first. (Every kid has a different level of the intellect, and realising that should be the start.) Followed by, imparting values such as –
    1) Respecting and accepting every individual (Thereby observing ‘Sarvagyata’)
    2) Respecting own self.
    3) Being honest to oneself and to others.
    4) Trying your best given any situation (without expectation of the outcome)
    5) Believing in the theory of Karma (as you sow, so shall you reap funda)
    6) Not taking advantage of others.
    7) Never forgetting the gifts, help and goodwill bestowed by others,
    8) Deriving pleasure on account of fruits reaped by hard work, as opposed to materialistic acquisions, or short-cuts adopted to achievement of such materialism, power, status, .Perhaps the ‘simple-living-high-thinking’ ideology could be adequately adopted.

    Thereafter, all the teachings directly ruled via individual religious inclinations/disposition/backing, would definitely follow suit if the child had his/her basic values in place first.
    Additionally, as such every child should be left to his own (after a certain age of maturity) with basic bare-guidance when required, in-order for him/her to aptly decide his/her own course of life / fate.
    If a child is made aware of the responsibilities of his own-doings as opposed to “protective-but-preachy” approach, he has more chances of conducting in accordance with the true laws and reality of things.
    It will also make him realise the ‘duality’ of ones existence (‘mithyat’ vs ‘dharma’)

    Also as parents, it may deem imperative to realise that children need not have to fancy parent’s every passing desire in the name of responsibility.

    In essence, If a true understanding is established between a parent and child (with good human values to back), there are more chances of the child returning to the right path of dharma and responsibility as opposed to when they are preached about it all the time, in which case the later would lose all meaning!

    And last but not the least, as Lord Mahavira has portrayed through very sincere and fine verbiage “Jiyon aur Jinen do”.

    Please feel free to comment and correct me where wrong!

  5. Best thing is that-
    this sentence is bringing lot of comments,
    appears to be close to heart,
    moving between hearts & brains.

  6. I think when Muni Shri Sudha Sagar ji is talking about “aulad” he doesn’t mean it in son or daughter sense.
    For me it can be any bad habits of human being which he/ she nurtures.
    It is more about nurturing.

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