
हमारे श्रद्धेय श्री आर. बी. गर्ग (इस साईट के प्रशंसक तथा नियमित item और comments देने वाले )
19 सितम्बर को इस संसार को छोड़ कर चले गये ।
अस्पताल में बीमारी और घोर पीड़ा में भी जब ड़ाक्टर या अन्य कोई मिलने आता था, तो उनका एक ही response होता था  –  ” नमस्ते ! मेरी तबियत first class है ”
उनके अनेक गुणों में से यह एक गुण था, जिससे हम सीख ले सकते हैं ।

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7 Responses

  1. Yes. This is one quality that we can imbibe from him because any problem is only as big or small as we perceive it and the most difficult situations can be overcome by a positive frame of mind.This also spreads happiness among people around us.

  2. I have heard a lot about respected Garg uncle from my uncle . Whatever I have learnt about his life is a source of inspiration. Such great people inspire us and lead us by example when they are alive and when Garg uncle left, he left us with a great message to spread positive energy even under difficult circumstances. This is called a grand departure where he didnt even waste the moment of death and converted it into a lesson for all his loved ones. I wish I could have got an opportunity to see him. True homage to respected Garg uncle would be to adopt a positive attitude in life and to spread positive energy around us through all our actions.

  3. I had passed much time with him and learnt a lot from his life and actions.
    He lead a very simple life.
    He was very cool always.
    His soul will definitely rest in peace as his life was always.

  4. My father always believed in simple living and high thinking in true sense.He believed that if you develop a good habit it will give you fruits life time and if you a develop a bad habit it will always be a thorn in your life. He said never worry what has happened in past , but take it as a lesson and move further for better. We really miss him .

  5. My grandfather was a great person. He was very loving and was always ready to teach and learn . He used to teach us mathematics and ask few riddles.He learnt computer at age of 78 years.He used to send us interesting E mails , tell us jokes in night and also ask us riddles. He was our real teacher.

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