Purpose of Life

There must be more to life than just having everything.

(Mrs. Ekta)

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11 Responses

  1. Always try to fly in life,
    If you can’t fly then try to run,
    if you can’t run then try to walk,
    if you can’t walk then try to slide,
    because only those get success,
    which always try to move forward in life.

  2. True Winners are people who continually make small corrections in their performances until they get exactly what they want.

    1. Purpose of our life is not to fulfill the desires in full
      (this is being attempted even by insects),
      but to fulfill the life with what u got & feel satisfied.

      Having achieved this , question yourself – What is the purpose of HUMAN life?
      is it not 2 achieve PERMANENT peace/pleasure?
      get away from cycle of birth/rebirth which is the cause of all sorrow/pain etc.?

  3. “The purpose of life is not to be happy.
    It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
    Happiness will follow.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

  4. Jai Jinendra,

    Purpose of life is not material(like house, car, clothes..) gain..
    but how much we are earning to get after death…is whatever Punya we are spending everyday the same or lesser than what we are gaining ,
    how much we are going towards our mission that is Mokash…


  5. Thanks Atif, Anju and Nidhi for useful comments.
    I agree that the purpose of life should be to create a difference and leave a mark (for good 🙂 ) and not to just exist.
    However, the higher purpose should also be kept in mind. Its far more deeper than what people believe. Its self attainment through Nirvana and when you strive for that, your marks will be felt by those around you and they will automatically benefit and improve their life.

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