द.अफ्रीकी तेज गेंदबाज मोर्ने मोर्केल test-match में थक जाते थे।
उनके मित्र सिडल ने 2012 से शाकाहार खाना शुरू किया तब से उनकी fitness में चमत्कारिक सुधार हुआ।
इससे प्रेरित होकर मोर्केल ने भी शाकाहार शुरू कर दिया,
अब वे थकते नहीं हैं तथा सबसे तेज गेंद फेंकने वाले स्टेन से भी तेज गेंद फेंकने लगे हैं।
(दैनिक भास्कर…18-2-15)
4 Responses
Nature has decided food for everyone. Test: 1.look at the food raw, if it is appealing, it is in all probability a food for you 2.taste the food raw, if one is comfortable with it, this is the food decided for you by nature. Cooking etc are secondary.——Cat, Crow, Dog, Lion etc are attracted towards non-veg, it is one of the food decided by nature for them.
New and excellent logic.
This is an excellent example for people who think that vegetarianism does not provide enough energy/strength . Being vegetarian, not only enables us to stay physically fit, but also helps in managing our emotions in a better way and keeps extremities under control.
Excellent information..