उत्तम शौच

  • लोभ का उल्टा, जो जीवन को पवित्र करे ।
  • पवित्रता दो प्रकार की है –
    1. शारीरिक – जो तपस्या से आती है ।
    2. भावों की – जो गृहस्थों में संतोष तथा न्याय की कमाई से आती है ।
    साधुओं में आत्मचिंतन से आती है ।
  • पहली तीन कषाय (क्रोध, मान, माया) पाप रूप ही होती हैं,
    पर लोभ पुण्य रूप भी होता है जैसे – धार्मिक क्रियायें आदि ।
  • लोभ के प्रकार –
    1. धन का – हिंसा से कमाना ।
    2. शरीर का – अभक्ष्य चीजों का प्रयोग ।
    महात्मा गांधी जी का बेटा बहुत बीमार हो गया तो उसे अभक्ष्य खाने को बोला गया, ना बेटा तैयार हुआ और ना गांधी जी ।
    3. यश का – दान की पटिया लगवाना आदि ।
    4. विषय भोगों का – हिंसात्मक चीजों का प्रयोग ।
  • लोभ कैसे छोड़ें ?
    1. संतोष और आत्मचिंतन से ।
    2. कर्म सिद्धांत पर विश्वास रखें – जो आज मिल रहा है वो हमारे पुराने पुण्यों से है, यदि बेईमानी से कमायेंगे तो पुण्य क्षय होंगे ।
    3. दूसरों की समृद्धि को ना देखें ।
  • लोभ से हानि –
    1. लोभ में आदमी अंधा हो जाता है, गंदे से गंदे काम करने को तैयार रहता है ।
    2. हर समय संकल्प विकल्प रहते हैं ।
    3. सब लोग गिरी हुई दृष्टि से देखते हैं ।

पं. रतनलाल बैनाड़ा जी – पाठ्शाला (पारस चैनल)

  • चारौं  कषाय Iceberg की तरह हैं ।
    1. क्रोध – Iceberg का ऊपरी भाग दिखता है, चुभता है और नुकीला होता है ।
    2. मान – ऊपर से नीचे का भाग, क्रोध से बड़ा, दिखता है ।
    3. मायाचारी – पानी की सतह से नीचे का भाग, दिखता नहीं है, मान से बड़ा ।
    4. लोभ – सबसे नीचे का भाग, सबसे बड़ा, दिखता नहीं है, तीनों कषाय के बाद में स्वभाव से अलग होता है ।

क्रोध तथा मान तो थोड़े से भाग हैं दिखते हैं सो वे ज़्यादा ख़तरनाक नहीं है ।
पर माया और लोभ छुपे रहते हैं, size भी बहुत बड़ा, बड़े बड़े जहाजों को ड़ूबा देते हैं ।


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2 Responses

  1. This is very true as we can confront our visible enemies but not the ones which cannot be seen like “mayachari” and “lobha” and thats why perhaps “lobha” is considered to be the greatest of all sins. (Lobha paap ka baap bakhana)

  2. Paryushan parv- Day Five- Uttam Shauch or Contentment and purity of mind

    “Jahan hai sabhi ko bhar pet bhojan , Man hai paak saaf, Aur azad hai parinda bhee jahan – He mere prabhu bana mujhe us lok ka wasee”. This is a simple prayer of a human being but in these challenging times it looks like we are asking for heaven. Today- on the fifth day of paryushan parva, today we will discuss evil of greed or contentment and virtue of purity of mind. Even Chanakya the master of worldly affairs or gyata of neetee shashtra has advocated for purity of mind He said
    ‘Purity of speech, of the minds, of the senses and of compassionate heart is needed by one who desires to rise to the divine platform. But in the heart he knew it very well that purity is not needed only for getting oneself on divine platform bit it is the essence of human mind and basic of human civilization. As we grow ,we always long for purity of a child when our mind was not polluted with worldly practicalities, greed and desires and such is the force of purity that it attracts good person as well as bad person. Good person makes purity and contentment his companion whereas bad person tries to run away from its charm.
    Be it Macbeth, shylock or Hindu demon god Ravana, all were victims of trap of uncontrolled desires and greed and got corrupted and were doomed. Actually greed is the selfish desire for more than one need or desires it can turn honest man dishonest and countries and nations as expansionists. Some times people defend greed but it can never be justified. The utopian society proves that greed is a bi product of the society you live in. Everybody has the same style house .food, clothes and work required of them. it is true that in society, every citizen should help each other but it is also true that most evils are developed by the bad habits among human.
    Generally we do actions because we like, which means based on greed. In this trap, main greed is our guide, desire is our guide, we like this, that and the other all the time, all the time wanting, wishing; and why? Because of ignorance we fall in this trap- not understanding the result of greed, without knowing the influence or destructive power of greed.
    According to jain scriptures (aagams) :-Shauch: Contentment or Purity (To keep the body, mind and speech pure by discarding greed and abstaining from possessive longing is called Shaucha or purity of soul. The longings that should be get rid off are of- 1.Jivana Lobha – longing to sustain one’s living. 2. Aroygaya Lobha – longing to sustain one’s health. 3.Upabhoga Lobha – longing to enjoy things, which will be useful to contribute to general happiness.Each object will be of two kinds; one pertaining to the self and the one pertains to others. Getting rid of these types of longing is called Shauch or purity. Anupama Jain

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