गाड़ी के पहिये में औगन (Black Lubricating Oil) उतना ही ड़ालो, जिससे आवाज आना बंद हो जाये ।
ज्यादा ड़ालोगे तो कपड़ों पर फैलेगा, कपड़े गंदे होंगे ।
शरीर में औगुन ( प्रमाद ) आ जायेंगे, क्योंकि जो शरीर की ज्यादा देखभाल करते हैं उनके शरीर संबधी वासनायें आने की सम्भावनायें बढ़ जाती जाती हैं ।
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I fully agree with this because the more we, give rest to our bodies and indulge our sensory organs , the more susceptible, we are to becoming slaves to material desires and thereby developing bad habits.
One Response
I fully agree with this because the more we, give rest to our bodies and indulge our sensory organs , the more susceptible, we are to becoming slaves to material desires and thereby developing bad habits.