We all talk about faith in God and ask for blessings now and then. Unfortunately a very few people have unshaken faith in God. I would like to share a small story about faith.

Once a mountaineering team was camping in Himalayas, there was a storm in the night time. All of their belongings and tents were blown away and all the campers were thrown away by the strong winds. It was a dark night and there was no visibility.

One of the camper rolled all over the montain and fell in the valley. On regaining conciouness he realiased the he is hanging on a rope which he used for safety belt.He was unaware where he was hanging. The night was getting colder and the temperature was freezing.
He prayed to God to save his life.

God heard his prayer, there was an AKASHWANI, “Son just loosen your belt and jump, you can walk to safety.”

But when the camper looked down he did not see anything except darkness. He did not jump as he was not sure how high he was hanging.

Guess what?
The rescue team found his frozen body hanging two feet above the ground.

Well we have more faith in the taxi driver and pilot, we give the control of our life in their hands without checking their credentials.

Where as we see God’s miracles every day but still we are afraid to trust fully.

Mr. Atif Khan-Canada

हम जब नयी गाड़ी को लेकर मंदिर जायें तो ये आशीर्वाद ना मांगे कि हमारा जीवन ना मिट जाये,
बल्कि ये मांगे की हमारी गाड़ी से किसी भी जीव की हिंसा ना हो जाये ।

(श्री धर्मेंद्र)

ज़रूरत के मुताबिक ज़िंदगी जिओ, ख़्वाइशों के मुताबिक नहीं;
क्योंकि ज़रूरत तो फ़कीर की भी पूरी हो जाती है और ख़्वाइश बादशाहों की भी पूरी नहीं होती ।

Dear Mama,

Everyone’s soul has a set of candle. Those are the qualities of the being, as it’s characteristic of a candle, it start diminishing as it get used up. So trying to be intelligent no one uses these candle, so that it does not get used up. These are the candle of spirituality. If these candles are not used, they are of no use.
You have been intelligent enough to use these candles and now they are spreading the light of knowledge everywhere.

Keep spreading this light where ever you go.
With love

Toshita* & all

(*Then 14years old)

हमारी बसंतीबाई* के एक ही नाती है ।
नाती के पैर में एक बड़ी सी कील आरपार हो गई ।
बाई ने अपने दामाद से पूछा मालूम है ये परेशानी हमारे जीवन में क्यों आई ?
क्योंकि तुम पेड़ काटने का काम करते हो,  अब महसूस करो – हमारे बेटे और हमको एक कील लगने से कितनी पीड़ा हो रही है तो पेड़ों को कटने में कितना दर्द होता होगा, इस काम को तुरंत छोड़ दो ।
दामाद ने पेड़ काटने का जमा जमाया नियमित काम छोड़ दिया और अब वह मजदूरी करता है जो कि कभी मिलती है कभी नहीं ।

क्या हम समृद्ध होते हुये भी अपने व्यवसाय में अहिंसा धर्म का ध्यान रखते हैं ??

*बर्तन मांजने वाली, बिना पढ़ी लिखी।


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